M&Z TV - an exclusive video and music subscription web channel with Marian Aas Hansen & Zelimir Kulisic is up and running. Here you can stream 24/7 a bunch of Marian's & Zelimir's video catalogue that will be updated regularly.
#ROSASOFA monthly TV show with M&Z ft. international guests and music. New and old music videos, new and old live concerts regularly, their television shows and appearances, exclusive & "Behind the Scenes" materials, M&Z Radio and so much more.
Special discounts and offers on Marian & Zelimir's physical items such as: T-Shirts, caps, CD's, concert tickets and more...
You can also request a special personal message from Marian & Zelimir tailor made just for you or for someone dear to you!
M&Z tv with #ROSASOFA tv show monthly, M&Z radio, new and old concerts, music videos, behind the scenes materials and so much more on monthly subscription!
Take Marian & Zelimir with you wherever you are. Watch M&Z TV on your computer, phone or stream to your TV. Hey, don't forget to AirPlay via your AppleTV!
(There is always a good old HDMI cable between your TV and computer, if you will)
Directly from the Made In America Studios, your monthly show with chat, music and news from the #ROSASOFA with Marian Aas Hansen & Zelimir
Listen to old and new Marian's & Zelimir's songs on their M&Z Radio. From the 90's til today's day! Live, published and unpublished, demos and rare recordings. Only here!
See Marian & Zelimir in their television performances
Live Stage Concerts with Marian & Zelimir from the past, present & future!
See Marian & Zelimir “Behind the Scenes” from their concerts, television dressing rooms, Music Videos shooting and more!
Watch the official music videos by Marian & Zelimir!
Commercial FREE!!!
"Hello" from our famous friends and colleagues from all around the world
Marian & Zelimir and their mess in the Kitchen (But their food tastes soooo good!
Music Stories from Palm Springs, California with Manny Montoya
Catch Marian & Zelimir goofing around their house in their private moments.
Order a special personal video message from Marian & Zelimir for your (or someone else's) Birthday, Anniversary or anything else.